Tuesday, February 14, 2012


You are greatness in the flesh, being held by the womb of the earth. You have not been born of the spirit yet due to the lusting for earthly pleasures. Our purpose is greater than our own existence in this world of treasures. To navigate through any storm you need direction. The atmosphere is chaotic with emotions splashing everywhere. Tears flood the faces of those who didn't face their fears. Listening and watching the man in the mirror, had to turn M.J down so the world can see US much clearer. The earth quaking negative vibrations is transforming beneath our feet. We know GOOD is in US thats what makes US complete. Don't feel like an (8) ball about to meet defeat. Know you are the victorious one, and there are others. Related and non-related, and some who are not thinking of US. Must we raise hell to get acknowledgement? A spirit is without color, but the will of GOD blackened s eyes to make sense. We learn how to live life by experiencing it. We can't escape death know matter how scary you think it is. Just be of the light when its time to escape the darkness. We all have been witness of how heartless this world gets. Or is it the people in it?

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