Sunday, October 25, 2015

Feelings about Police Brutality...

Where do WE stand they ask?
Police officers are murdering innocent black young and old  boys, women & men. Even the young girls are suffering from their brutality. Sandra Bland wasn't the first female casualty. See we lost focus of the structure that fuels these tyrant officers to be who they present themselves to be.  Economically we are nobodies. We have only been consumers.  Useless eaters and self deceivers becoming stuck behind computers. Someone said the revolution won't be televised. I'd guess it would be an economic one, when money isn't spent carelessly and the circulation of it will help us rebuild our daughters and sons. Black lives do matter, but in America the black dollar matters more. Our youth don't value the lives of one another, that's why our communities are  consistently at war. They watch the elders protest and tell us, that black lives matter but that's only after a bad ass cop kill us. What kind of message is that? It seems like crossed signals. The communication is wrong, are we focused on the evil that men do? It's my belief that we supposed to apply the same pressure or force in the same communities where black lives are lost. Our focus should be on becoming an economic power, than we can show our future generations the power of a dollar. When we begin to buy property, and corner the supply and demand market we will own our communities.  How could we be the targets? The police are a corporate conglomerate who operates within 52 states, even in other countries, so we really couldn't imagine the murder rate. What I do know is once we begin to make the right decisions and stop supporting these businesses that don't have the best interest of our people at heart, this is when the economic revolution will start. We need politicians who can embody the spirit of Adam Clayton Powell , when the fight gets bloody refuse to throw in the towel. True representatives of the people would have been had the accountability of these bad police officers shocking the world like electricity. It is clear we need to revamp the judiciary system due to all this negativity.  The only way we will succeed is focusing on our dollars!

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted 381 days which started in 1956. THIS took place approximately 60 Years ago. Apparently six decades and four generations later the values of black people have changed. The Montgomery boycott started because a black woman refuse to give her seat up To A White MAN and got arrested. Here we are fast forward 2015 black men & women are getting murdered without weapons or a justifiable reason. The prison systems are privatized.  There are black athletes like Michael Jordan investing into these same prisons. Parents are slaving hard to buy their child/children a pair of Jordan $200+ sneakers. Chances are if the parent can't afford these same sneakers the child will do something illegal to obtain the money to purchase them. If he or she isn't lucky they will end up probably in the same jail Michael Jordan has invested in. Meanwhile communication becomes lessened due to social media, and materialism takes the forefront. Our priorities as a people has clearly gotten of track. We may have a chance to set the record straight depending on the response to the CALL!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Excellent work Kenny, your's is a great mind !! I've admired for goin' on 2 decades now...Keep fightin' the fight brother xoxox
