Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Truth about this (Country)Corporation

When we can adopt the understanding that this is a corporation and not a country things will become a lot clearer. It's been business from the very beginning. This star spangled BANNER identifies this as a place of commerce. So the only way we can effectively disable this corporation is by no longer spending money but circulating our currency within and with our own! The Emancipation Proclamation was never intended to free the slaves. It was a devise plan to hide slavery within the banking system. The last names of the slaves were an indication of who's plantation they worked on and who they belonged too. For instance if Bill Carter was the name of the slave owner who owned a cotton field, the slave's last name would be Carter. Nowadays transactions are made with the utilization of these names. If you ever come into contact with the wrong side of the law your name would be in all capital letters such as: THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK vs CARTER, KENNY. We are all given a social security number as of 1935 (see social security act) which was attached to a national debt. Each time your name appears in all caps with your last name first, and your first name last, there is money being abstracted from your private account (signified by the red numbers on the back of your social security card). This process is utilized mostly in the prison industrial system or the judiciary system. However,  the truth remains to be seen. This is a corporation.  The business isn't to be token personal, but due to the fact that predominantly only Black and Latinos are being targeted by the law enforcement of this corporation. They are getting unjustifiable murdered without warrant or cause. Something has to be done.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 set things in motion for the things that were
established to happen.  monetary notes  that were distributed where actually debt (death) notes that had no value. They were issued to people during a state of emergency during the great depression in 1933. Obviously we are still in a state of emergency in 2016. Each of these notes are reserved by the federal government which means whenever they come for what you have obtained by the utilization of this note can be forfeited or confiscated. It is only a matter of time for the full transition of the new world order to kick in. Before things get worse the only way to regain control is by boycotting and redistributing our currency back into our communities. By doing this we become economically strong. It takes US all to unite together for this cause. If we don't,  the injustices will continue to happen. So the next time you spend your money, make sure it's with our own!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Hallow & Don't Want To Ween...

People become hallow when it's time to ween away from a system that has crippled us mentally as a people. Halloween has came and gone. We aren't looked at as being serious in any way. Especially those of you who are conscious and went out and spent money on costumes, make up and candy. Where are the people of substance? Did we not just support the twentieth anniversary of the Million Man March? The theme was justice or else!  Did the or else mean spend our money? Did it mean continue fueling this racist machine that cares nothing about BLACK LIVES? Although this American holiday is mostly for the children,  could you imagine if our people would have sacrificed for the future of our children  and held their money? See people want to live in the moment and not think about their actions until it's too late. Unfortunately when people continue to spend their money, police brutality,  mass incarceration and the new Jim Crow will continue within this Corporation! All kinds of injustices are being financially backed by us. Business isn't personal. Or is it?

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Feelings about Police Brutality...

Where do WE stand they ask?
Police officers are murdering innocent black young and old  boys, women & men. Even the young girls are suffering from their brutality. Sandra Bland wasn't the first female casualty. See we lost focus of the structure that fuels these tyrant officers to be who they present themselves to be.  Economically we are nobodies. We have only been consumers.  Useless eaters and self deceivers becoming stuck behind computers. Someone said the revolution won't be televised. I'd guess it would be an economic one, when money isn't spent carelessly and the circulation of it will help us rebuild our daughters and sons. Black lives do matter, but in America the black dollar matters more. Our youth don't value the lives of one another, that's why our communities are  consistently at war. They watch the elders protest and tell us, that black lives matter but that's only after a bad ass cop kill us. What kind of message is that? It seems like crossed signals. The communication is wrong, are we focused on the evil that men do? It's my belief that we supposed to apply the same pressure or force in the same communities where black lives are lost. Our focus should be on becoming an economic power, than we can show our future generations the power of a dollar. When we begin to buy property, and corner the supply and demand market we will own our communities.  How could we be the targets? The police are a corporate conglomerate who operates within 52 states, even in other countries, so we really couldn't imagine the murder rate. What I do know is once we begin to make the right decisions and stop supporting these businesses that don't have the best interest of our people at heart, this is when the economic revolution will start. We need politicians who can embody the spirit of Adam Clayton Powell , when the fight gets bloody refuse to throw in the towel. True representatives of the people would have been had the accountability of these bad police officers shocking the world like electricity. It is clear we need to revamp the judiciary system due to all this negativity.  The only way we will succeed is focusing on our dollars!

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted 381 days which started in 1956. THIS took place approximately 60 Years ago. Apparently six decades and four generations later the values of black people have changed. The Montgomery boycott started because a black woman refuse to give her seat up To A White MAN and got arrested. Here we are fast forward 2015 black men & women are getting murdered without weapons or a justifiable reason. The prison systems are privatized.  There are black athletes like Michael Jordan investing into these same prisons. Parents are slaving hard to buy their child/children a pair of Jordan $200+ sneakers. Chances are if the parent can't afford these same sneakers the child will do something illegal to obtain the money to purchase them. If he or she isn't lucky they will end up probably in the same jail Michael Jordan has invested in. Meanwhile communication becomes lessened due to social media, and materialism takes the forefront. Our priorities as a people has clearly gotten of track. We may have a chance to set the record straight depending on the response to the CALL!


The F.A.I.T.H beginning...

       The reason why I created Fathers Alive In The Hood because I am one.  I'm not only alive, I am aware and active as well. Those are my triple A's (Alive, Aware, Active). F.A.I.T.H started out initially as a Facebook group to support men on issues revolving around manhood/Fatherhood or any other relevant issue. This group was started in 2011. I noticed a lack of media attention in regards to the active fathers who were actually doing what they supposed to be doing as men. The media would focus on the dead beat dad, men on the run from child support, and so many other negative images pertaining to black fathers. I knew that this propaganda couldn't continue.

      Prior to creating F.A.I.T.H I was heavily involved in the Justice for Sean Bell movement that was formed in 2006. This movement started after five NYPD officers released 50 shots or more into a vehicle that had three black men in it. The man who died was the groom who supposed to had got married the following day. One of the other men had more than 15 bullet wounds in his body, but he survived. The other passenger had a few bullet wounds as well, he also lived. I attended as many protest as I could have I even did several days with his family during a 50 day vigil that was posted right across the street from the 103rd precinct.  After the vigil and all the protesting that went on the police officers were found not guilty and they kept their jobs. This ignited a passion in me that I never had before in my life. As the days turned into months, months turned into years there were more murders, death and homicides not just caused by police but US KILLING US!

       It became clear to me in March of 2012, after watching a video that went viral over the Internet of a young black teenager running for his life than getting mercilessly shot and killed by two other black teenagers in the confounds of South Jamaica Housing  (40 projects), there isn't a value for life within our communities! I knew something needed to be down. A good friend of mine who was connected to the brother of the teenager who was murdered was at my house. We were both very emotional about the situation.  We went to the young man's families house in 40 projects. While going through the different stages of grief I suggested that we do a PEACE WALK from 40 projects to Rochdale housing complex circle 5. ( Definition of a PEACE WALK - A gathering of family, friends  & community members  who may have known the victim or knew of him. The gathering is at the point of murder. Prayer, the lighting of candles and memories are exspess. From the point of murder the walk starts and ends in the neighborhood where the shooter/shooters  frequented the most) However it is an understanding that silence is agreeance. So all who appose the senseless violence that happened in the community was encouraged to come out and participate, strength is in numbers.) March 24th 2012 Fathers Alive In The Hood initiated it's first Peace Walk in memory of Darryl Adams.
(Peace walk can be viewed on our YouTube channel)

      The peace walk was just one of the components of implementation. Our mission is to establish interpersonal relationships with members of the community, schools, families and even the police department. We've continue to accomplish our goals by establishing our Fatherhood support groups in different communities to work with the men in the community. We also set up our Jegna program in middle schools for young boys 13 years old and up. We also create public forums in high foot traffic areas called  Cyphers which intel a subject matter studied by members of F.A.I.T.H such as Willie Lynch letters,  New Jim Crow law and whatever else we may choose to discuss. People who intended on walking by at times add on to the Cypher of information. It could start with 5 men and end up with 25 people.

       All these are tactics use to identify and form relationships. By taking time and utilizing it in a manner where we invest it into our youth, community & families we can increase there self value and also bring to their awareness who they are (children of God, Royalty, chosen people, kingdom builders etc...) . From that point on their purpose is met. We have a large network and a referral system that covers anything from child support, unemployment, homelessness and even getting back into to school. If we can't assist the situation, chances are we know an organization or individual who can.

Message to the women---Let us be the protectors that we supposed to be. We love you and respect you for all that you've done thus far. It's our turn to control the destiny of generations to come.
