Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Truth about this (Country)Corporation

When we can adopt the understanding that this is a corporation and not a country things will become a lot clearer. It's been business from the very beginning. This star spangled BANNER identifies this as a place of commerce. So the only way we can effectively disable this corporation is by no longer spending money but circulating our currency within and with our own! The Emancipation Proclamation was never intended to free the slaves. It was a devise plan to hide slavery within the banking system. The last names of the slaves were an indication of who's plantation they worked on and who they belonged too. For instance if Bill Carter was the name of the slave owner who owned a cotton field, the slave's last name would be Carter. Nowadays transactions are made with the utilization of these names. If you ever come into contact with the wrong side of the law your name would be in all capital letters such as: THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK vs CARTER, KENNY. We are all given a social security number as of 1935 (see social security act) which was attached to a national debt. Each time your name appears in all caps with your last name first, and your first name last, there is money being abstracted from your private account (signified by the red numbers on the back of your social security card). This process is utilized mostly in the prison industrial system or the judiciary system. However,  the truth remains to be seen. This is a corporation.  The business isn't to be token personal, but due to the fact that predominantly only Black and Latinos are being targeted by the law enforcement of this corporation. They are getting unjustifiable murdered without warrant or cause. Something has to be done.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 set things in motion for the things that were
established to happen.  monetary notes  that were distributed where actually debt (death) notes that had no value. They were issued to people during a state of emergency during the great depression in 1933. Obviously we are still in a state of emergency in 2016. Each of these notes are reserved by the federal government which means whenever they come for what you have obtained by the utilization of this note can be forfeited or confiscated. It is only a matter of time for the full transition of the new world order to kick in. Before things get worse the only way to regain control is by boycotting and redistributing our currency back into our communities. By doing this we become economically strong. It takes US all to unite together for this cause. If we don't,  the injustices will continue to happen. So the next time you spend your money, make sure it's with our own!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Hallow & Don't Want To Ween...

People become hallow when it's time to ween away from a system that has crippled us mentally as a people. Halloween has came and gone. We aren't looked at as being serious in any way. Especially those of you who are conscious and went out and spent money on costumes, make up and candy. Where are the people of substance? Did we not just support the twentieth anniversary of the Million Man March? The theme was justice or else!  Did the or else mean spend our money? Did it mean continue fueling this racist machine that cares nothing about BLACK LIVES? Although this American holiday is mostly for the children,  could you imagine if our people would have sacrificed for the future of our children  and held their money? See people want to live in the moment and not think about their actions until it's too late. Unfortunately when people continue to spend their money, police brutality,  mass incarceration and the new Jim Crow will continue within this Corporation! All kinds of injustices are being financially backed by us. Business isn't personal. Or is it?